See how Career Partnering delivers real results!
Here are selected case studies from clients who have benefited from Janine’s new model
for the 21st century business brain.
Career Partnering
Career Ownership
Leadership Development
Case Studies:

Case Study: Career Partnering
Client: Large health care system in central Ohio
Situation: Having no consistent career management approach, the organization wanted to respond to negative employee comments on career development and career opportunities.
Solution: A Career Partnering program that provided a new model for employees and managers to consider career activity and career management. Workshops offered to leaders and managers to provide clarity on program components and necessary manager support, i.e. coaching behaviors. Workshops and individual coaching sessions offered to enrolling employees.
Results: About 40% of employees opted into the new program, providing comments such as these:
- Upbeat and practical ideas that can be used immediately!
- My take away is that I must be more aggressive with my career.
- It’s OK to initiate career discussions!
- Don’t wait for a mentor: be proactive and find one (or more)!
- Learned how to start identifying my career development path.
And from the Project Director: Feedback from our employees about the program described it as triggering real breakthroughs in how they need to think differently about their careers.

Case Study: Career Ownership
Client: H.R. Gray, a construction management company
Situation: Company wanted to bridge the gap between experienced and next-gen leaders, and provide career development opportunities for those 20 employees with 5-years or less tenure.
Solution: A 5-month Career Ownership program that included individual assessments; deeper understanding of the company’s strategies and business goals; mentoring with senior leaders and engineers; monthly meetings on career management topics; and individual coaching opportunities with Janine.
Results: Individual and organizational outcomes included:
- Increased value of participants to the organization and its clients: career development/learning plans initiated by the employee and aligned with the organization’s direction and professional services (engineering) needs
- Increased engagement and ability of employees to further the organization’s growth
- Mentoring relationships between the experienced senior leaders and the newer professionals, i.e. the next generation of leaders
- Increased engagement via employee recognition that they are partners with the organization for its success and their employment security
- Increased productivity of employees between projects through informal learning opportunities and mentoring with senior leaders

Case Study: Leadership Development
See how customized leadership development can strengthen leaders at all levels and impact engagement.
Client: U.S. minerals manufacturing division of Weir, a global manufacturing leader in the oil and gas and minerals mining industries
It is really energizing to engage employees...they are motivated, stimulated, and provide great ideas on new opportunities for the company.
Company President
An engaged employee is not just marking time doing whatever work is necessary to earn a paycheck, they are joyfully and effortlessly contributing their greatest gifts toward the organization's mission.