Find The Resources You Need To Manage Change
Janine Moon is passionate about Workforce Change for the 21st century and loves sharing resources. Here you’ll find everything from books to blog posts that explore the changing work world and offer ways to integrate the new career planning model into your life.
Got an idea for a post or a comment? We’d be delighted to hear from you. Contact Janine to begin a discussion.

Whether used as a self-guided course or as part of a workshop or seminar, Janine’s books will forever change the way you think about your career.
Quick reads that explore the multi-faceted workplace today and address concerns ranging from leadership succession to career transitioning.
Free worksheets and exercises to help you define your career ownership, organizational needs and goals for partnering for win-win success.
See Janine in action! Get a first-hand look at her dynamic personality and engaging presentation style.
Real-life analyses of Janine’s work with organizations and individuals. Explore the real, quantifiable benefits of Workforce Change.
Janine projects her expertise with confidence and professionalism while engaging the audience with warmth and humor. She is truly a joy to work with.
Janine presented before a group of more than 175 people and it was clear that she had the group delightfully engaged while giving them valuable information on how to OWN their careers and be an asset to a company that can't do without them.
I thought we were preparing well for the workforce changes to come, but Janine's presentation allowed us to think about the problem practically and more broadly. I think our approach will now be more effective.