Benefit From Re-engagement At Every Level
Do you know what percentage of your workforce is engaged in what they do—those who actually want to come to work, find it satisfying and take pride in making contributions to your company’s success? Over the last 30 years, Gallup surveys have consistently shown that less than 30% of the workforce is engaged—and this statistic holds true in western and eastern countries alike.
Janine Moon teaches her new model for Career Ownership and Career Partnering to help turn this statistic around at all levels of your organization. Services generally fall into one of several categories; however these concepts are highly adaptive to individual needs and learning styles – please get in touch to start planning the right approach for your organization.
For individuals, teams and groups, executive coaching with Janine can be a transformative experience. Informed by her leadership and management background, Janine’s coaching is structured to your needs, while building desired outcomes with direct, honest feedback on behaviors and the skills needed to succeed in today’s global business environment.
A company’s values and expectations begin at the top. Janine consults with organization leaders on corporate culture and steps that can be taken to realign expectations with 21st century realities. Proposals and programs are all designed to foster improved and engaged thinking at the manager, team and individual level.
From employee events to lunch and learns, Janine’s dynamic personality and organizationally-relevant topics consistently leave audiences with a renewed sense of purpose and vision. Janine provides the very motivation and support needed to accomplish great things in changing times. Her programs are practical, applicable to your organization’s challenges, and incorporate new ways of thinking that create a sense of personal accountability for improved work effectiveness.
Janine focused on the challenges my members will face in recruiting and retention, especially of skilled trades workers—where the average age of the workforces and the dearth of qualified (let alone interested) replacements is particularly sobering.
She focused on what she calls "enlightened leadership" and how critical that is—creating a workplace that embraces the values of all generations of workers, from those close to retirement to those who are just beginning their careers.
Feedback from our employees described [Janine's program] as triggering real breakthroughs in how they need to think differently about their careers.